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Two articles on EBSCOhost are Public Relations In Schools and E-Learning Programs In Higher Education.
For Public Relations In Schools, This article presents an overview of public relations strategies and concepts for public schools. The role of public relations in public education began with higher education applying public relations methods used in business to promote their programs with competitors. Public relations involves far more than publicity. "Educational public relations" means genuine cooperation in planning and working for good schools with the community. Collaborating with internal and external publics becomes a two-way process by means of the flowing of ideas between school and community. Through thoughtful design and engagement public relations builds the basis for mutual understanding and effective team work between the two. Educational Public Relations is a planned, systematic management function, designed to help improve the programs and services of an educational organization. It relies on a comprehensive, two-way communication process involving both internal and external publics with the goal of stimulating better understanding of the role, objectives, accomplishments, and needs of the organization. Educational public relations programs assist in interpreting public attitudes, identify and help shape policies and procedures in the public interest, and carry on involvement and information activities which earn public support and understanding (National School Public Relations Association, 2002, p. 2). Initially, the role of educational public relations was simply a form of publicity. Some even viewed it negatively as propaganda. The higher education institutions were competing for students and program recognition as well as financial support. The goal was to inform the public about their activities, specific benefits, and programs and since they were patterning their approach to public relations after the business arena, they did not solicit feedback from the public regarding their institutions. This was referred to as the one-way model of public relations. "In 1950 the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) reported that if the public is to support education, education must be visualized as an investment. The best way to accomplish this was for the public to receive accurate and well-reported information from the schools" (Maher, 1997, p. 8). Education is not a "stand-alone" entity. It is an important element for a thriving community and the future of our society. School leaders and boards are established to oversee the education process. However, the entire community is responsible for supporting the education of their children. Educational public relations was initially and is still today the means of providing our citizens with an understanding of the education system and its needs as well as seeking their involvement and support in maintaining and developing quality programs and opportunities for the students.
For E-Learning Programs In Higher Education, This article will focus on the e-Learning industry, which has become an integral part of our society and education. Potential markets have emerged in elementary and secondary education environments as well as in postsecondary institutions and corporations. Learning institutions must look at the trends affecting many of their students, faculty, administration and services. As a result of the emerging trends, seven distinct models of organizational structures in higher education have surfaced. These models will serve as a foundation for different trend references and as an illustration of how different types of educational institutions develop strategic plans for implementing distance education into their programs. Globalization has changed the way people look at education. Given the use of technology and knowledge workers, society is always in constant change. As new products and services are developed, it is essential that organizations, especially higher education institutions, are capable of keeping pace with the demands of students. Technologies like e-Learning can assist in streamlining and improving the organizational processes and systems within higher education institutions. Additionally, even workforce employees can benefit from e-Learning technologies, as they facilitate the learning experience in a knowledge-based economy. The interaction received through e-Learning and distance learning provides users with many benefits that are not offered in a traditional classroom setting. By participating in distance learning, students are able to complete their curricula at their own desired speed. The learning process remains comfortable with eLearning because students can advance to different subject matter when they see fit and can avoid any pace pressures that may come with classroom learning. In customary education settings, students must continue learning at the same pace as their peers. However, this system can intellectually hinder the students because those who advance quickly through a topic must stay at the same pace with those who may need to spend additional time with the same topic. Distance learning avoids this conflict and focuses instead on the needs of the individual student.
Furthermore, for ICT E-Learning, it discusses a catalyst for enriching the learning process and library services in India. In short, The advances in ICTs have decisively changed the library and learning environment. On the one hand, ICTs have enhanced the variety and accessibility to library collections and services to break the barriers of location and time. On the other, the e-Learning has emerged as an additional medium for imparting education in many disciplines to overcome the constraint of physical capacity associated with the traditional classroom methods. For a vast developing country like India, this provides an immense opportunity to provide even higher education to remote places besides extending the library services through networking. Thanks to the recent initiatives by the public and private institutions in this direction, a few web-based instruction courses are now running in the country. This paper reviews different aspects of e-Learning and emerging learning landscapes. It further presents the library scene and new opportunities for its participation in the e-Learning process. How these ICTs driven advances can contribute to the comprehensive learning process in India is highlighted.
Reflections: The two articles on EBSCOhost are basically about the importance of education in terms of the communication, e-learning programs and other aspects as well. For articles on public relations in schools, public relations management procedures provide an effective means of informing and receiving input from the community to attain results and achievement. It is important that parents, businesses and the community understand the educational process along with the purposes and goals of programs to provide a quality education for the students. For e-learning programs in higher education, the e-learning industry uses the internet and other technologies that allow individuals to learn from their jobs, homes or schools. Besides that, e-learning, offers real-time learning and application of critical knowledge. Thus, individuals will be able to access the information at anytime and anywhere. As a result, the education as well as training and development function can be convenient and globalized.
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